
Sunday, 5 June 2011

Outline of the Aeronautical Communication

i. Air Traffic Control System

This is a system rendered between the Air Traffic Control Institutions and the aircraft to secure the safety and the mobility of aircraft by providing ground navigation or advice, information about aircraft and the airport weather condition.
  • VHF Cordless Telephone, HF Cordless Telephone
  • Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR), Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR), Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)

ii. Air Control Communication System

This is a communication system that the airline companies use for determining aircraft position to secure the navigation of their proprietary aircrafts.
  • Cordless telephone by way of VHF, HF, and Inmarsat Satellite Communications
  • Data Transmission by way of VHF and Inmarsat Satellite Communications

iii. Aircraft Telephone

This is an on-board public telephone service that aircraft passengers use to communicate.
Now, the satellite communication telephone service which went via the Inmarsat satellite.

iv. Radio Navigation System

This is a radio navigation system that the navigating aircraft uses to detect its position.
Furthermore, the development of a satellite navigation system utilizing GPS has been in progress.

v. Aircraft Landing System

This is a system used for navigating the aircraft by radio waves onto the airport for its landing in safety.
  • Instrument Landing System (ILS)
  • Landing Navigation by iv. Radio Navigation System
Furthermore, as a satellite navigation system by GPS has been more popular, the development of a system that utilizes it has been in progress.

vi. Aircraft-loaded Radio Equipment

There are different kinds of radio equipment loaded on the aircraft, while their two main targets are for navigation and communication.
  • Navigation Equipment
    VOP/DME, ATC Transponder, Weather Radar, Radio Altimeter, Rescue Radio, ILS Receiver, ADF Receiver
  • Communication Equipment
    VHF/HF/Inmarsat Satellite Cordless Telephone, VHF/Inmarsat Satellite Data Transmission, Aircraft Telephone
    Figure: Concept Diagram of Aircraft Communication


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